Monday, December 22, 2014

10 Months

Ohhh my goodness it's December already. That is insane. Biggest news for me this month: I HAVE MY FLIGHT DEPARTURE DATES FOR CHINA. AHHHHH!! I leave 3 weeks from tomorrow. January 12. 21 days. Oh. My. Freaking. Goodness. I'm freaking out. What if my luggage gets lost? That's mainly my biggest concern. Actually that's like my only concern for some reason. Other than that I'm soooo incredibly excited. But because I've been so focused on China school kinda slacked. But finals are done! YAY. I told my parents that I did well enough on my finals to keep my grades at the grade they were at... So whether you want to look at that in a good or bad way.... I definitely suffered from the "Sophomore Slump" this year. Never taking 17 credits again. It was brutal. haha. 

Okay enough about just me. This last month was Thanksgiving! And Christmastime! Chase has been a little down lately, partly because of the holidays and partly because he's been struggling a bit! But he's been better! He really wants to get to the point where he loves his mission, and I can tell he's almost there. 

If anyone wants to send him a letter for the holidays I'm sure he'd love it! Here's his address:

Elder Chase Dessauer
Nicaragua Managua North Mission
Edificio Discover, 2do Piso
Frente Al Club Terraza, Villa Fontana
Managua, Managua

Alright so this month!!


baptized Joel, Edixia and Xochilt
celebrated Purisima (Hallochristmapendence Day, according to Chase)
is training Elder Walker
is in a trio companionship
had the ward christmas party
started contacting on buses (he was scared haha)
had a Thanksgiving chicken instead of turkey 


celebrated Thanksgiving with my family
Did my training for China
visited his mom
sent his Christmas package 
went to a bachelorette party
finished finals (YAY.)
celebrated Christmas with my roommates
moved out of my apartment