Our Story

He was my first high school crush. 
We met in seminary freshman year. 
We flirted. 
You know,  the kind of awkward freshman flirting where you find out you like each other and then it's like the other person has cooties and you can't act like a normal human being around them anymore. 
The flirting continued through sophomore year.
We became good friends. 

By the end of sophomore year we really started liking each other.
We had our first kiss
I was a dumb girl though
I wanted to make him jealous, so I flirted with other guys in front of him
(He's still makes fun of me for this to this day)
Homecoming 2011
our first date
it was perfect
 we held hands most the night
then he dropped me off
And kissed me goodnight<3

So I assumed that that meant this unofficial relationship was leading somewhere, right?
His church leaders had challenged all the young men to go through high school without having a serious relationship with a girl. And being the good person he is, he wanted to respect that and to do that.
Well that is until the next week.
He decided that he wanted to 'do what would make him happy, and not what others wanted him to do'
He showed up at school on September 27, 2011 with my favorite flowers, lilies, and asked me to be his girlfriend.
of course I said YES!

We've been together ever since, and it has been the best two and a half years of my life.

We were high school sweethearts, and went to every Homecoming, Sadies, and Prom together.

We graduated

We went to college together at BYU, and miraculously ended up in the same ward, only a 2 minute walk from each others' apartments.

We spent almost every day together our first semester.
Going to temple square to see the Christmas lights was probably my favorite date, even though it was freezing cold. That's why I have a boyfriend to keep me warm ;) 

Finally on December 21, 2013, he opened his mission call.

He was called to serve in the Nicaragua, Managua North Mission.
He reported February 19th, 2014.

I had to go back to school after Christmas, and he was staying at home in Vegas, 500 miles away. We spent every weekend together until he left.

Saying goodbye was so hard, but I can't wait to see him again on February 4, 2016.

1 comment:

  1. Tara, you are so dang cute! I love your blog. I have one too! Missionary girlfriend minds think alike I guess haha. Mine is itskyleeright.blogspot.com (:
