Monday, October 27, 2014

8 Months

This month went by the fastest of any other month. For sure. I'm completely overwhelmed with how fast time is going. He's already 1/3 done!! Is it weird that I'm kind of sad with how fast it's going? This is only going to happen once in our lives and it's already 1/3 done! But don't get me wrong, I want him home. Really bad. haha. 
 So this month...

got Patty to commit to baptism
started reading the New Testament
brought some investigators to General Conference
was almost kissed by a girl (don't worry, he stopped her, lol)
survived a tropical storm... and an earthquake

sent his anniversary present
went to General Conference
got called as the RS pianist (YAY)
had my midterms.... ugh. 
had my family come visit!

This month went by super fast, but was super hard for both of us. I'm just having a hard time with school and dealing with all that. 17 credits was the worst choice ever. haha. And he is having a hard time getting good investigators. He didn't have any baptisms this month. But if there's anyone that can handle that without getting sad about it it's him. But still, prayers for his investigators would be appreciated! 

1/3 done.
We can do this. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

3 Years Ago...

SO SORRY for the lack of posting. School has basically taken over my entire life. Not even basically. It literally has. Last night I was studying from 5:00 at night till 3:00 in the morning, with only an hour break for dinner. 
Yep. Thats my life.
The point of this post is to brag about how I have the BEST boyfriend ever. Sorry girls- He's MINE.
Our 3 year anniversary was on September 27th, 2014. 
And that afternoon I got a special delivery!!!

He sent me my favorite flowers all the way from Nicaragua for our anniversary.
One of the many reasons why I love him.


About 3 or 4 days later, I get a package in the mail! And I open it.. And it's a condensed milk box. hahaha. (Way to save the trees babe- lol) And inside is a bunch of Nicaraguan candy and HIS NAMETAG!(: I've been wanting that at asking for one basically ever since he left almost 8 months ago, and he totally surprised me! I was so so so so happy!
So now it hangs on my dreamcatcher in my car so I see it everyday:)<3

So our anniversary was on a Saturday, and I didn't want to be home sad and depressed, but I also didn't want to end up being on a date or out with other guys or anything. So we had a fantastic girls night! We were fortunate enough to be able to get tickets to the General Women's Meeting, then after we went to the Cheesecake Factory (my favorite restaurant, and probably where me and Chase would have gone if he were here!) It was raining the whole time - and I love the rain!! So that made me happy. 

It was perfect.

I absolutely loved the Women's Meeting. Sister Jean A. Steven's talk "Covenant Daughters of God" really hit home for me. She talked about how we need to make and keep our covenants. It really made me realize that making those temple covenants isn't too far away for me. And I really need to start preparing to make those, not even for only me, but for my future family too. I want to be that mother that my kids look up to and can say that I honored those temple covenants, just like Sister Stevens says about her mother. I want to be that example to my children, and in order to be able to honor those covenants I feel like I need to understand them better, and be better prepared to make them. 
"Covenants with God help us to know who we really are. They connect us to Him in a personal way through which we come to feel our value in His sight and our place in His kingdom. In a way we can’t fully comprehend, we are known and loved individually by Him. Think of it—each of us holds such a place in His heart. His desire is that we will choose the path that will bring us home to Him."
I also want to be prepared for Chase when he comes home. He's spending two entire years of his life growing spiritually and becoming closer to our Heavenly Father, and I want to do the same, and I know I haven't been. I've gotten caught up with life and haven't made time for the truly important things. I'm changing though. I want to be prepared for him when he gets home and I want to grow alongside him while he's gone, and I want to be ready to go make temple covenants together
"They had an eternal perspective of life’s purpose and of promised blessings that come to those who are faithful to their covenants. All these blessings transcended their short-term sacrifice and separation."

And that's how I spent our anniversary. 

Good friends, good food, good weather, good speakers, good spirit. 
Happy Me