Monday, October 27, 2014

8 Months

This month went by the fastest of any other month. For sure. I'm completely overwhelmed with how fast time is going. He's already 1/3 done!! Is it weird that I'm kind of sad with how fast it's going? This is only going to happen once in our lives and it's already 1/3 done! But don't get me wrong, I want him home. Really bad. haha. 
 So this month...

got Patty to commit to baptism
started reading the New Testament
brought some investigators to General Conference
was almost kissed by a girl (don't worry, he stopped her, lol)
survived a tropical storm... and an earthquake

sent his anniversary present
went to General Conference
got called as the RS pianist (YAY)
had my midterms.... ugh. 
had my family come visit!

This month went by super fast, but was super hard for both of us. I'm just having a hard time with school and dealing with all that. 17 credits was the worst choice ever. haha. And he is having a hard time getting good investigators. He didn't have any baptisms this month. But if there's anyone that can handle that without getting sad about it it's him. But still, prayers for his investigators would be appreciated! 

1/3 done.
We can do this. 

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