Friday, February 28, 2014

Chase •February 2014•

I just arrived here at the MTC. The flight was good but I am so tired. I am very excited for dinner and I can't wait to go to bed early tonight. I think that's the first time I have said that in a few years. I can only send a short email for now but I will email you again on my next p-day. I love you and miss you.

So I only have a little time but I will try and tell everyone as much
as possible. The first few days of the MTC were kind of hard. They
just went by so slow. But everyone says it gets better after the first
week. I think it has started to get better for me now anyway. This
Sunday was so spiritual. We watched a devotional and I felt the spirit
stronger than I ever have before. My spanish is getting better every
day. I am remembering more and more. I am even able to talk to people
that don't speak any english. Today I went and got a haircut and told
the lady about my life before my mission and I found out about her
kids and what their plans are for life. It made me feel really good
that my spanish is getting better. Oh- but that was the scariest haircut
of my life. I sat down and I couldn't tell her what I wanted so she
just started cutting. But luckily my hair turned out pretty good, I
think. lol. So on our first full day we started teaching this fake
investigator who we are all told is an investigator at the beginning and
she really acts like one. It was very scary but it is good practice.
We are told to worry less about the content and mainly just show our
love for her. After our third lesson she agreed to be baptized. And I
know it is fake but I really feel the spirit during those lessons and
feel impressed to say and do certain things sometimes. I just feel bad
because I talk more than my companion in those meetings because my
spanish is a litter better than his haha. He is really cool though.
His name is Elder Backus.  The food here is most of the time really
good. But the native workers tell us it isn't really Mexican food
though, it is cafeteria Mexican food. My favorite thing that they feed
us is the fajitas. Sorry this isn't too detailed, I only have an hour a
week to email. And sorry for any grammar or typo mistakes. I am not
used to these spanish keyboards. And I will try to send pictures next
time. There is no slot for an SD card but I think I will be able to
use another elder's camera cord to hook it up to the computer next

week. I love you and miss you all!   

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