Saturday, May 31, 2014

Chase •May 2014•

So I don't have a lot of time but here is just a quick update. This week was pretty good. We lost contact with those people that we set baptismal dates with but we found some more investigators that I think have a lot of potential. They all seemed really interested in the gospel and seemed like they will keep their commitments. But two of them have things on Sundays during church. So that will be a trial but 1 of them only has work on Sundays for 3 more weeks I think. We are having a problem with investigators coming to church though. We decided to drop Ivania and Marcos because they aren't keeping commitments and we could spend our time better somewhere else. I was really disappointed. But maybe they will be ready later with other missionaries. Today we got to go see the volcano Momotombo and Leon Viejo, or Old Leon. It got destroyed by the volcano like 500 years ago. Sorry this has to be so short. One of the pictures is of the baptism we got last week. Her name is Nelly and her husband baptized her. And the other picture is of our whole district in Nagarote. I really like that city. Its like the cleanest city in Nicaragua. I love and miss you all! 

Elder Dessauer

So this week was pretty good. Our main focus is this family Jose and Suyel and their daughter. They are super positive. She I guess met with the missionaries a long time ago and was reading the book of Mormon but when she moved she lost it. One appointment with them this week was just answering all of her questions. Those appointments are always really good, but not so good for me at the same time because I cant speak as much. Answering peoples' questions is really hard because in order to do that I need to understand the question completely, and then I need to know how to explain it in Spanish. So most of the time its just my comp talking when that happens. But I am being able to talk more now, and not just in lessons. The people that make our food every day have a son that's 20 and preparing for a mission and I'm starting to be able to talk to him about random things every day. And not only just talk but make jokes too. Its nice that I can start to be friends with the people here and laugh with them. Laughing is a very good therapy for me here, but its not as common when I don't speak the language lol. But anyway, Jose and Suyel still haven't come to church. They were sick one day and then they were with her mom yesterday. But yesterday another investigator surprised us and showed up to church. Her name is Sharline. Idk if I have said anything about her yet or not. But we have been teacher her for a couple weeks, the only problem has been that she goes to Managua on Sundays to study English. I don't know why she was able to come to church yesterday though. She only stayed for an hour but me and my comp were sill super happy. And she is going to come to Noche de Hermanamiento too. She said she went last week but my comp told her its starts between 6:30 and 7. But it never starts till about 7. So she went last week but she went right at 6:30 and no one was there so she went back home. But she knows the right time for this week. 
Today was p-day and we went to this museum in Leon. It is an old prison where people were tortured a bunch and cool stuff like that. It wasn't that cool inside though. Out of the cathedral, Leon Viejo and the prison, the prison was my least favorite. But its still cool to go see stuff here in Nicaragua. Tomorrow we have changes too. Changes is the same thing as transfers btw, in Spanish they just call it cambios, or changes. But me and my comp are staying together of course because he is training me. There is only one change in our district this week. We lose one elder and we are getting one more. Its crazy to think that I am already 1/4th done with my time here in Mateare (everyone tells me I will have 4 changes here). So about the pictures. The first one is in the museum we went to. Honestly, I have no idea why there was a huge creepy looking lady, but I thought it was cool so I took a picture with it. The quesillo bone is a place we go after every district meeting. A quesillo is like a tortilla, this wierd cheese, onions, and this special sauce. They are pretty good. They aren't amazing, but its fun to eat them. And they are only in Nagarote and around Nagarote (where we have our district meetings). And they wrap it up in a bag and we bite a whole out the bag and have to suck each bite out. It was very weird the first time haha. A lot of the drinks come in bags here too. Well I love and miss you all.

Elder Dessauer

Sorry this is going to be very short. This week has been pretty good. We got Jose and Suyel to go to church. They only stayed for sacrament but I hope they still felt the spirit. and learned a lot. I also had to give a talk in church about prayer. It was my first talk in Spanish and it was the least I have ever prepared for a talk in my life haha because I didn't have much time this week. It went pretty well though. The members said they could understand and they really liked it. That made me happy. Sharline went to Noche de Hermanamiento but not to church. We don't know why. It rained once here so far. Everyone keeps saying that the rainy season is coming soon. I'm kind of scared and excited at the same time. Anyway I love you all and miss you like crazy. Hopefully I will have more time to write next week. We had some surprises this p-day so we didn't as much time. 

Elder Dessauer

So this week I had some pretty funny things happen to me. First of all, I think this drunk guy tried giving me and my companion his baby. We were walking in the street when he walked up to us and was pointing at his baby and talking to us. I didn't understand what he was saying until he looked at me and while pointing at his baby said,"le gusta, le gusta?" (asking me if I liked his baby) And then my comp said,"no no no we cant, we work all day and don't have time". So I'm pretty sure he was trying to give us his baby or something close to that haha. I also got attacked by a parrot yesterday. We were just walking home from church and this girl was walking the other direction holding a parrot. When we got close it just flew at me and hit me and then fell to the ground. It was so weird and freaked me out lol. But then we stopped and talked to the girl and got to hold the parrot. I wanted to take a picture with it but I didn't have my camera:/ There was also a couple power outages this week. On Wednesday it started to rain and then the power went out so we had to go home early because we cant work when it is pitch black lol. But it was kind of nice. We went home and then opened all the doors and windows and just sat on our porch relaxing. The rain was very light by then so it was really nice to just relax in the pitch black with the cool air and light rain. And it got pretty cool too. It got all the way down to 84!! Wooo! That is the coolest I have ever seen it at 7/8ish at night lol.
Oh so we also had our second training for the new people this week. That was really good again. We got ac all day, McDonald's and I got to see all my old MTC friends. But this time we didn't get any mail:/ Every zone did except for my zone. Everyone from my zone was expecting something but no one got any. So our mail is here, but we just didn't get it. Hopefully I get it soon. We also set a baptismal date with Sharline this week. We had a really positive week with her but then she didn't come to church on Sunday so that was kind of disappointing. She keeps saying that for her to really know if she should get baptized she needs to go to a full church meeting. SO I was really hoping she would go. We found a new family though on Saturday though and the mom and kids went to church. Jose went to church too but not his wife or daughter. We think we are going to have a lot harder time with his wife than we though. She believes in her baptism that she got from another church. He still wants to get baptized though. They just need to get married first. Oh yeah sorry if I call her his wife even though they aren't married. Here they just say they just call each other husband and wife even though they aren't married. Its confusing lol. Sorry I cant send pictures this week though, the computer we are at isn't accepting my card. I love and miss you all!

Elder Dessauer

Monday, May 19, 2014

3 Months & On Cloud 9!

Today has just been the 

Today marks Chase's 3 months gone! 
Today is P-Day!!
Today I got my new personalized phone case!!!
(It's been almost 4 weeks since I've gotten a letter... I'm so HAPPY!)


So this month... 

ate chicken liver - gross.
got mistaken as a Jehovas Witness
got to watch Friends! 
(our favorite TV show, he was really excxited.. shh! don't tell anyone he broke the rules! lol)
decided what his favorite scripture is- 3 Nephi 13:33
Had a baptism - Nelly
got to Skype me and his mom for Mother's Day
prayed for me every night(:

finished my first year of college at BYU 
(3.37 GPA.. not too bad (: ) 
moved back home
went on the world's worst date. 
(fun story. lol)
got a job as a hostess at Claim Jumper
got called as a primary teacher
got to Skype him for Mother's Day
(with his mom)
prayed for him every night(: 


So overall this month was great. And I'm SO HAPPY to finally have passed the dread three months that everyone always says are the worst. He's almost hit his 100 days mark, which means almost 1/7th done! woohooo. :) 

And I am so obsessed with my new phone case. I and got it personalized with his address on it. Now I don't have to search for his address every time I write him a letter! (even though I basically have it memorized by now)

3 Months down, 21 to go!(:

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Birthday Package!

Because packages are so FREAKING expensive to send internationally, me and Chase's mom sent his birthday package together! So let me tell you, there was not one more thing that could have been put into that package. 
The lady at the post office laughed at me when I brought it because one of the edges was ripped from packing so much stuff in it. She also was laughing at me because of all the Jesus pictures and stickers covering it... Which was really awkward carrying that into the post office.. oh well. 
Last year for Chase's birthday I bought him a ferarri. 
HA. just kidding. I did buy him the chance to go drive one though! We went out to the Las Vegas Speedway and he got to take a shiny red ferarri out for 6 laps around the track! 
*Best Girlfriend Award*
So I don't think I'm gonna be able to get him anything as cool as that when he's 2500 miles away! But hopefully he still loves this just as much (: 

2 party hats for him and his companion
2 noise makers for him & his companion
cake mix 
birthday candles
those punching kind of balloons
  (because lets face it, those are WAY more fun than regular balloons)
birthday Oreos
Spanish -> English dictionary 
(he left his other one at the CCM)
word search book for when he's bored
pants & socks (from his mom, he needs them)
flash drive for pictures
bracelets (from my little brother) to give to little Nicaraguan kids 
(how freaking cute is that?)
mini football
frisbee (his one present he asked me for.. haha)
2 empty photo albums
printed photos of us together (he wanted more)
and candy as always

Happy Birthday Love!(: 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Yesterday I got to Skype my sweet missionary for one hour, 15 minutes and 36 seconds.
it was fantastic.
I miss that boy so much. He already is getting a little spanish accent. It's so cute. and funny. I spent the majority of the time making funny faces at him while he talked so he would start laughing. Didn't realize that I did that so much with him. I miss having him around and just having that one person that I'm always comfortable with. 
When he said I love you to me when he was saying goodbye, I started crying. I missed that. I missed his voice. It's not the same reading it over emails and letters. 
I'm so grateful for his mom and her letting me come over to Skype with her! 
Such a great day.