Monday, August 11, 2014

Birthday Celebration!

So today isn't my ACTUAL birthday, but I'm going to be in Disneyland on Thursday for my real birthday. 
And because of this, we celebrated tonight! 
And I had the best birthday surprise EVER
Chase's mom surprised me and showed up at my house! And she brought me presents from Chase! 
He sent me a Nicaragua shirt, a cool little art frame/canvas that I love!! And a keychain! And flowers!!! I missed getting flowers from him so much! 
And the best part, I got a letter! It's been over 6 weeks since I got a letter, and today I got a letter and his birthday package! 
Gah he's amazing. 
And I love his mom and it was so much fun having her over to celebrate with us!(: 

(we both got keychains from Nicaragua)

AHHH. Such a good birthday!!(: 

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