Tuesday, August 19, 2014


So is it obvious yet that I'm so excited to finally have hit 6 months? no?
I really can't believe that it's been 6 months already. 
Where did all that time go?!
Its going too fast!
Actually not really. I wish it would go faster. Looking forward and thinking about how much is left, I wish it would go faster, I feel like it's still such a long time. But looking back at how long it has already been- wow.
182 DAYS. 
 It feels like just yesterday we were dancing on my front porch for the last time, saying goodbye
And now he's 1/4th done. 
It's crazy how fast time can go by.

So this month was great!

went zip lining
baptized Felicita
baptized Brenda
was transferred to Matagalpa (with Elder Lopez)
was transferred to El Viejo (with Elder Torres)
had to speak in church
was made District Leader 
had a crazy storm that almost stopped them from going to church
washed his clothes on a rock for the first time

went out to lunch with high school friends
started paying for my China trip
was offered a photography job in Provo (yay!)
babysat my brothers while my parents were in Hawaii 
(it was actually quite fun surprisingly)
said goodbye to my best friend who left for college
got my birthday package and flowers from him!
sent him a 6 month package!
turned 19!
went to Disneyland 
(for my birthday!)

He's having a hard time right now with his companion. But he's very positive about it and knows he has something to learn from him. He's such an easy person to get along with, it's surprising everyone how it's even possible that he doesn't get along with his companion. haha. He's still doing great though. 
I can't wait to go back to school! I leave next week. My roommate is already there and I'm just so jealous and I want to be up there with her already. Of course I love being home, and I love being with my family. But I'm ready for a change. 
Speaking of change, I'm considering changing my blog title! I need opinions. Leave it as is, or should I change it to be called "A Blonde and Her Elder"? 
Opinions would be appreciated in comments! I can't decide! I'm AWFUL at making decisions. Just ask my boyfriend. I once cried over what to have for dinner. 

Well, if you've stuck around for this incredibly long post, you're awesome. 
I can't wait to see what this next month brings! 

ps. we took a family 6 month picture. its great. 

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