Sunday, September 21, 2014

7 Months Down and Back to School

Well. The picture says it all.
Happy September people.

So this month has been just a mess for me it feels like. I thought I was ready for school to start again... But no. I'm so unorganized. And taking 17 credits is definitely not making that any easier. I DO love my classes though. I have 4 major classes, my New Testament class, and then just one general. The only thing that sucks is because I'm an art major, the art classes are twice as many hours in class for half the credits. At least they're fun.

Being back at school is so hard without him. Over the summer was great and easy to get through because I was with my family. College was easier with Chase with me because he basically felt like family, and I always had someone to go to. Of course I have my friends and roommates but it's just not the same. And dating is awful. Guys are such jerks. But that just reaffirms to me that Chase is the one for me! So he needs to hurry home. Only one semester after this one that I have to go through without him though! (That sounds like he comes home so much sooner than he actually does)

That's because I'm leaving for China in less than 5 months!! AHHHHH freaking out over here I'm SO. EXCITED. Someone pinch me. The closer it gets the more excited I am. Of course I'm terrified of the food and all that, but I'm so ready to go be all adventurous and whatnot. hahaha.

Chase is doing GREAT this month! So great that he forgot it was his 7 month mark and forgot to send me a picture. I guess I can't be mad at him.. that's a good thing that he's so busy and time is going fast for him.. But COME ON. So that photo will hopefully be added tomorrow. haha.

This month... 


sang in the choir for a meeting
listened to Elder Alonso speak (70)
helped 2 hermanas with a baptism
gave his 2nd blessing of the mission
opened all my "Open When" letters
had to practice teaching in front of Elder Alonso
baptized Evelin and Katerin
got a new companion: Elder Sommerfeld
became a trainer!
planning Maria and Erika's baptism
got my 6 month package


finally got a letter after 2 months!
sent him another package! 
quit my 2 jobs
did the ice bucket challenge
moved back to provo
started school
got a job with Butler DJ Events as a wedding photographer
got our apartment remodeled
lived with my cousin for a week- so fun!
threw a party
went on a super fun hike up to the sliding rock in Alpine





  1. Can't wait to see your pics from China! I know they will be amazing.....lovely tribute to Chase.

  2. I just think this is the cutest blog ever. That's all.
