Wednesday, January 21, 2015

11 Months

So for those that haven't kept up with my life to this point... I'm in CHINA. No big deal. Just halfway across the world. It's awesome. 
It's been really cool talking to Chase about it because he's already dealt with being in a new culture and dealing with that and so it's nice being able to talk to him about it. It's cool that we're having the same experience kind of. I mean his is a lot more strict with more rules... But it's still close to the same thing. haha. 
We were able to Skype for Christmas this month, which was great!! I love Skype. It is the best thing ever. My whole family got to talk to him too which they loved. 
Celebrating holidays was weird without him. New Years Eve was always my favorite holiday and it was sad not having my New Years Kiss this year. But only one more without him!

This Month...

had a ward Christmas party
performed in the talent show
started teaching Stephany
opened my Christmas package
stayed up till midnight to watch NYE fireworks
baptized Ariel (from El Viejo, his old area)
hiked Volcano Cosiguina
got to talk to his dad on Christmas too
started teaching Stephany's sister Kenia
sang in the stake choir for stake conference
got a new companion: Elder Rodriguez
baptized Mario

got new camera equipment and a kindle for Christmas
had our traditional Christmas Eve Sleepover with my brothers
got a puppy! (his name is Jake. he's adorable.)
went hiking at 5:00 am. that was ridiculous.
went to Boyden's farewell
moved to CHINA
traveled for 26 hours straight
saw a Chinese temple
ate fried squid & other street food
said goodbye to some friends :(
went shopping and had to barter
started teaching!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

China: Day 1

4 hours of delayed flights, 13 hours of flying, and a 4 hour bus ride in the middle of the night, we finally arrived at the school at 2 AM. 

Traveling was a nightmare. our first flight got delayed and would have made us miss our connecting flight, except that our second flight also got delayed 3 hours. So we finally left San Francisco at 4:30, and took the long 12 hour flight to Shanghai. Once we arrived there, we had to go through customs and all that. I got a sweet new stamp on my passport! And luckily all my luggage made it safely with me! (That was my biggest concern about this entire 6 month trip was that they would lose my luggage). So then we had to rush through the airport because apparently in China there's a law that we had to get on the road before 10:00 or we would be stuck at the airport... weird. I know. And it was pouring rain the entire drive, and the bus was LEAKING. yeah. so not fun. 4 hours on a bus that barely fit all 20 of us with our luggage, and a leaking ceiling. It was an adventure for sure. 

So our dorms are super nice. Compared to the rest of China. We actually having flushing toilets! We're so spoiled. Except that we can't flush the toilet paper... And the water will make us sick so we have to brush our teeth with bottled water... And I got to take a freezing cold shower this morning because the water is only hot for 4 hours a day at certain times. And we're constantly freezing because there's no heater in the hallways, only in our rooms... And the remote for it is in Chinese. It took us a good 3 hours to figure it out. The beds are awful. The mattresses are literally two inches thick. It's like sleeping on the floor. Except I think my carpet at home is probably more comfortable. Because we're so tired it hasn't been too bad yet... But I'm definitely going to invest in a very thick blanket to sleep on.

So far the food hasn't been bad! For lunch there was some fried pork and rice, with some spinach type stuff... And then dinner we had some eggs with peppers and rice again... I'm pretty sure we'll be living off of rice. And the McDonalds down the street. Tonight after dinner we went down to the mall. And I had a McFlurry and it was the most heavenly thing ever. Hopefully I'll get used to the food, if not.. I have 20 granola bars. Lets see how long I can make those last...

That's about it!
Teaching starts Monday!
Can't wait!