Thursday, April 10, 2014

Moving Mountains

Today I got TWO letters in the mail from my sweetheart <3
Even from 2477 miles away, he still managed to make me laugh today

"I love you babe:)<3 
Never forget that. 
I love you so much I would move mountains for you.
 Or I would try anyway.
 That would be pretty sweet if it worked though. lol"

All humor aside, this little bit got me thinking.
I've been struggling lately. Doubting.

Its almost been two months, can I really make it two years?
Should I date?
Should I not date?
Will he still want me if I date?
What is he thinking?
Can I really do this?

Yes I can.

"If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."

All I need is to have the faith in our relationship the size of a mustard seed, and I sure have much more faith than that, even with my recent doubts. My problem is I've started saying I. Just because we are in different countries doesn't mean that we are separate. We're still we, us, together. Just a little bit of faith, and nothing is impossible for us. Nothing can come between us. Together we can move mountains. 
So can we make it?
Yes we can.

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