Saturday, April 19, 2014

Two Months

This month was so much harder than the first month. Some big changes for both of us happened this month. 

So this month... 

left the MTC for Nicaragua
had his first baptism
experienced multiple earthquakes
had to sleep outside
met his new companion, Elder Castro, from Guatamala
watched conference his favorite talk was The Priesthood Man by Henry B. Eyring
prayed for me every night

finished my first year of college
got accepted into BYU's photography program
started dating 
tried sushi for the first time (It was disgusting)
watched the blood moon
watched conference my favorite talk was Protection From Pornography- A Christ-focused Home by Linda S. Reeves
prayed for him every night

I'm still head-over-heels in love with my missionary. 2 months down, 22 to go. Missing him more and more. I've felt very torn about me dating. But I've decided that I need to do what makes me happy. I can't wait to get home to my family, start working, prepare for China! And only 22 more days until Mother's Day and I get to talk to my sweet boy!! (: 

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