Friday, June 20, 2014

4 Months & New Adventures

This month has flown by SO FAST!
So many things have happened this month that kept me ridiculously busy. It's so true that time flies if you are busy and not just wallowing in sadness over your missionary. I feel like I barely even had time to miss him this month. (I still did, of course. I always miss him.)
But this month, if it's even possible, I fell 10x more in love with him than I ever have been. I wouldn't think that that would be possible, being 2700 miles away from each other, but it is. Distance does make the heart grow fonder. 
okay enough with the cheesy stuff. 

This month was so eventful! 


gave his first talk about prayer
got attacked by a parrot (LOL)
received his birthday package
sent my birthday package!
got sick for the first time :( 
set a goal of 102 baptisms for June
baptized Jackie 
is understanding spanish much better
took the lead in inviting Uriel and Alma to be baptized
experienced his first real Nicaraguan rain
prayed for me every night

started teaching my 5/6th year old primary class
started working at Claim Jumper
started working at Fabulous Freddy's
(two jobs is freaking hard)
emailed my other missionaries friends finally! 
paid my deposit to go to China!
photographed my first wedding! 
(my cousin, Stirling & Shauna's wedding)
went on an Alaskan Cruise!
went kayaking in Ketchikan in the ocean
went on a helicopter tour
saw the Hubbard Glacier
prayed for him every night

This month everything was new. New job. New calling. New vacation. New experiences. It was great. 
And now that my deposit is paid I am officially going to China next February, and I could not be more excited! (my mom feels a bit differently about it... hahaha)

New adventures will make these two years fly by. 

"If you're 22, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel- as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them wherever you go." - Anthony Bourdain

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