Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I'm Going to China!!

Today I got my acceptance email telling me that I have been accepted to the ILP program to go to China for 4 months next year and teach English! I could not be more excited!!! 

With the new missionary age change, it feels like everyone around me, guys and girls, especially girls,  are going on missions. I've never felt like a mission was for me. Coming to BYU, the pressure for girls to go on missions has been insane. More girls in our ward have left on missions than guys I think. And I'm not judging those girls that go, I think they are making an amazing decision to go serve the lord for 18 months. I'm so impressed by their courage to go. And for me, having a missionary out, it would be perfect! I would leave 6 months after him, and we would get back the same month! It sounds perfect! But a mission has never been part of my life plan, and I don't feel like it should be. So I prayed about it and I know that
It's just not for me. 
But what else am I supposed to do for two years while the love of my life is gone? I don't want to be one of those girls that just wallows in self pity for 24 months. I wanted to do something with my life. I wanted to do something that I wouldn't be able to when he came home. Then I heard about ILP (International Languages Program) through another missionary girlfriend. I looked into it, and everyone who had gone said it was the best experience of their life. 

So I started the application.

Then last week, we had a Relief Society dinner on Wednesday. Our bishop spoke, and someone asked a question about what he would say to girls who are deciding to not go on missions. He said that if you aren't going on a mission, that we should do something that brings us the same blessings as a mission would. 

That was just my reaffirmation that I was doing the right thing. I'm so excited to be doing a 4 month service for the children in China, and to experience a new culture and lifestyle, just like my missionary will be doing. (And on the plus side, we get to travel every weekend- which means so many pictures!!!!)

So Saturday I had my interview. And apparently I passed with flying colors because 

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