Saturday, February 21, 2015


Is this real life? I really don't think it is. I'm pretty sure the only explanation of how fast time has gone is that I've slept through the last year and it's actually still only May and he's only been gone 3 months. Because OH MY GOODNESS IT'S BEEN 
I just don't believe it! It still feels like he left just two weeks ago. I still remember saying goodbye. I still remember what it was like to just drive aimlessly on nights where we just didn't want to go home yet. I still remember how he would stick his fingers in my mouth every time I yawned just to mess me up so I couldn't finish my yawn. I still remember exactly how I fit in his shoulder cuddling. I still remember how easy life was with him. 
And now having all that again is less than 365 days away. I can't believe that that number started at 730. I made it halfway. Now the real countdown begins. 

It's hard to celebrate right now because Chase is having a really hard time in the mission right now. Not going to go into details, but anyone who reads this please please please, keep him in your prayers. It would really help. Prayer has an unbelievable power and I know it can help him. 

This month has been, to say the least, one the books!

had two converts get callings already
baptized Carlos, an old investigator
took Mario to help teach lessons
went to a Chinese restaurant
has been working with Mario's parents on converting them
started teaching Elvis

practiced archery at the city wall
saw the Terracotta Warriors
hiked Mt. Huashan
rode a bamboo raft
walked through the Longji Rice Terraces
biked through the countryside of Yangshuo
celebrated Chinese New Year in China!

It's so crazy that it has been one year already. Now the real countdown begins!

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