Monday, March 31, 2014

Chase •March 2014•

This week has been so much better than last week. The first days went by so slow and this whole week has gone by pretty fast. I think I'm learning a lot. I hope I am lol. Every afternoon we teach our fake investigators and that is such good practice for spanish and for teaching investigators. We finished teaching our last investigator Ana and then she became our teacher during the afternoons. But then we got two new investigators and she is one of them again. It's harder to take her seriously. And in class I asked her if we ever get to practice with hostile investigators and if the fake investigators will ever be rude or hostile toward us and she said yes. I'm kind of excited for that. It sounds fun. Only because I know its not a real investigator and it will be good practice for the field. So I should probably tell you all what I do everyday at the CCM (MTC in spanish) besides just talk with investigators. Every day we have two three hour blocks of learning from a teacher. We get taught how to teach and what to teach them and also how to speak spanish of course. During those times is when we teach our investigators too. Other than that we just have personal study, language study, and companion study. All day. We also have an hour of Technology Assisted Language Learning. Im really excited to get into the field. I love studying the scriptures and its good for me to practice spanish, but sitting in the same room and studying all day starts to drive you crazy. So this Sunday I had another spiritual experience. Well, I have spiritual experiences literally every day but this is another kid of big one. We have fast and testimony meeting during sacrament and it was the weirdest fast sunday I have ever had. First of all, it was in another language so I only understood 3/4 of what was being said, but then we could hear music blasting the whole time. All weekend there was something going on and music was playing the whole time. So we are in sacrament bearing out testimonies while listening to dance music. But I have never felt the spirit so strong during a testimony meeting. Everyone's testimony just seemed so sincere and it brought the spirit stronger than the music took it away. I love sundays here. I love having devotionals and at the end of the day we always watch an old church movie that I would probably think is really cheesy if I wasn't in the CCM, but I really like them haha. I get along with my companion really well too. He is really nice, kind of weird sometimes but really nice. He kind of has a girlfriend waiting for him too so its nice that we can talk to each other about that all the time and not just annoy each other. I hope all of you are doing good. Have a good week! 


Elder Dessauer

This week went by so fast. Its crazy to think that I am already half way done with CCM. I start my 4th week tomorrow. This week was pretty good too. We started something called TRC. I forgot what it stands for but we go and teach actual people. Not just the people that work here and act like investigators. The first day we were scheduled to teach one investigator, one less active member and one member. Me and my companion were so nervous but the first two didn't show up and I was kind of disappointed. I wanted that real experience. But I thought it still was a kind of real experience because that is going to happen in the field, some people will say they want to hear our message and then they won't be there or answer the door. But then yesterday we did it again and we taught another investigator that has accepted baptism and we taught the less active member. It was really cool. We could feel the spirit really strong during both visits. So I set a goal for myself for the next year about. I finished the BoM last week and I set a goal to read all the scriptures and the BoM three times within the next year. I will read the BoM, then D&C, then the BoM again, then the New Testament, then the BoM again, and then the Old Testament. Im really excited. I have never read any other books completely other than the BoM. On my second or third time through the BoM I will probably try and do it all in spanish too. And at the rate that I am reading my scriptures every day, I should be able to do all that in a little less than a year. So the CCM really reminds me of BYU. Everyone is mormon and all the buildings are blue and white and have prophets names on them. I thought that was kind of funny haha. It also kind of reminds me of the Hunger Games. Every day we hear these loud explosions that sound like canons. It sounds like the Hunger Games arena is just over the mountains. But I asked my teacher and he said its some celebration that Catholics do or something. I'll talk to you all in another week! I love and miss you all! 

Elder Dessauer

 These weeks go by so fast. I like it but at the same time it is kind of scary. I only have two more weeks to learn spanish. I feel like my spanish is pretty good but I dont know if I am ready to talk to real people speaking super fast. But I also know that the Lord is helping me learn spanish. In high school I had such a hard time learning certain concepts like ser vs estar and por vs para (which ´to be´ and which ´for´to use) but I understand them pretty well. And we only spent a day on each. I can also tell when he helps me when I am in a lesson and I am speaking and a word will just come to me that I have never used before but I know what it means. I also have to listen to some devotionals in spanish too. On Tuesday nights we have speakers from Mexico and so they will speak spanish. I am getting better at understanding spanish, even when they are talking fast. I still have no idea what they say, but I am able to pick out most of the words. But if I miss one or two in a sentence it can completely throw me off. I try and just pay attention to how I feel in those devotionals. And I am starting to think and pray in spanish on accident sometimes too. For example in my personal prayers I will start out by addressing Heavenly Father in spanish and then I realize I can say it in English. I feel like that is a good sign haha. Im getting used to the CCM too. Every night there is only about enough hot water for 2 or 3 showers so when theres 20 guys living in the same house, I have to have cold showers a lot. But that doesn't bother me so much anymore. And I'm also kind of getting used to the smell of sewer and pollution that is very strong every morning. I am not getting used to waking up at 6:30 though. I miss sleeping in lol. So I have some kind of big news this week too. This past Sunday me and my companion got called as the Zone Leaders. We dont really have too many responsiblities because it is just in the CCM but I still think its kind of cool. We just have more meetings and conduct priesthood meeting and give a spiritual thought to each disctrict every morning. And this Sunday I had to talk in Sacrament. Every week we have to prepare talks and then at the beginning of the meeting they announce who is speaking. But I had a feeling I was going to have to talk this week. I think it might have been the Holy Ghost letting me know so I can make my talk better. Our assigned topic was the restoration and it had to be in all spanish. I had a really cool experience with one my investigators too. It was our first time meeting with him and the spirit was very strong and we got him to cry. His story was that his wife died two months ago so we explained the plan of happiness to him and told him how he could be with her again and even though its not real me and my companion showed real love for him so I think the spirit was stronger because of that. And also this week we saw two fires. We saw one of the mountain with the B on it and we all started freaking out and we thought it was kind of big deal. Then a worker rode by on his bike and we told him and just just said that it happens all the time. It was kind of anticlimactic. And I don't feel so bad about the fire because it happens all the time and it wasn't near any houses or anything so no one would have got hurt. Oh and today we got to go to the visitor center of the Mexico temple. It was pretty good, I wish we got to go inside though. It was still fun to get out of the CCM walls and see the city and see the temple. I love and miss you all!

Elder Dessauer

  I can't believe that this time next week I will be in Nicaragua. I got my flight itinerary today and my flight leaves at 5:20 in the morning. I am not looking forward to that. But I am looking forward to going out into the field. I am going to miss the CCM and my companion and my district and I could probably stay another month to ready myself for spanish more, but I am excited to start doing the Lords work. And I feel like my spanish is getting better every week. Our teachers do these practice discussions with us and they always do it in spanish and this week when they did it I understood the entire thing just about. It felt pretty nice to know that not only is my speaking getting better, but my listening is too. And my listening to the spirit is getting better too. We were teaching our hardest investigator the other day and we had a pretty cool experience. We were teaching her the doctrine of Christ and Elder Backus was talking about repentance and I felt that we should just start talking about the Holy Ghost instead. So I was going to wait for Elder Backus to be done and then switch to the Holy Ghost. But he isn't as good at spanish as me so it takes him a little longer to get his point across. So he started to take a while talking about repentance and I really wanted to switch to the Holy Ghost. I was almost about to interrupt him when he switched to the Holy Ghost too. And when he stopped it perfectly led into what I wanted to say and we were able to get her to commit to baptism. Afterwards we always talk about how our visits with investigators go and we both said that we felt impressed to talk about the spirit right then. 
       So for our Sunday devotional this week we listened to an old talk from Elder Holland. It was awesome. It was my favorite talk so far. He talked with so much power and the spirit was very strong. My favorite part though was at the end. He was talking right after three of the new buildings at the Provo MTC were completed so he dedicated those buildings and that was the coolest prayer I have ever heard. The spirit was so strong the entire time. It was really cool when he blessed the buildings to be safe and keep the missionaries safe from any kind of harm from intruders. He blessed that angels would guard the doors and the windows. It was incredible. But the worst part was that right after that, the power shut off. The video just stopped and because it was so close to the end we didn't get to finish it. I was pretty upset. We have power outages all the time here and there had to be one during the coolest part of the video. But I am still greatful for the opportunity to hear him give most of that prayer. 
        We also practiced talking to contacts which is when you just meet someone on the street and talk to them for like 3 minutes. I really liked it. My contact that I was teaching was one of the teachers here and he said I did great. In those three minutes I bore my testimony, taught a principle of the gospel, and asked him if I could come again to teach him more about the gospel, all with suprisingly good spanish for me. I miss you and love you all. Thanks for all of your support and love!

Elder Dessauer

I can not believe that I leave tomorrow for Nicaragua. Today I went and got my boarding pass and everything. I still have to pack everything though. Im not exactly looking forward to that haha. I will take a lot of pictures! Sorry that I haven't been sending pictures recently. Not too many exciting things happen here and I forget my camera a lot when I come to email. But next week I will defiantly have some cool pictures to send home.
So I had a really cool last Sunday. It was fast and testimony meeting and my whole district was able to bear their testimonies in Spanish. And the testimony that I bore was probably the strongest one I ever have born for me. I have never cried or got choked up or anything when I have born my testimony but this Sunday when I was saying how my testimony of prayer has become so much stronger in the CCM I almost started to cry. It was so wierd. The spirit just hit me so strong. I loved it though. Sundays have definitely been my favorite days here. And also this Sunday we had a crazy storm. It was hot and sunny for the first part of the day but right after our first devotional it was pouring really bad. And we needed to go back to our class room but right when me and my companion started walking to our class it started hailing. It was really fun actaully. We got completely soaked just walking from our auditorium to our classroom. And then right when we got to our class the rain stopped of course. But it was still fun. I need to get used to that for Nicaragua anyway.
That's all I have time for today, but I'll have a lot to talk about next week! I love and miss you all!

Elder Dessauer

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

One Month

Well, One Month down, only 23 to go!
So happy that this first month is over and done with. Its not much, but it sure feels like an accomplishment. I thought that the first month would be torture, every one always says that the first month is the hardest. Well, if that is the hardest month, then the next 23 are going to be a breeze! 

Apparently dating a photographer for 2 1/2 years didn't help this boy learn how to take pictures.... we'll work on it. haha ;)
This month... 

got my first email 
finished up my photography portfolio
spent 120$ between 3 girls on food 
(don't ever believe that guys eat more than girls, it's a lie)
received my first letter
was accepted to go to China next February
met Elizabeth Smart and went to her book signing
sent his first package
celebrated pi-day with a 2 hour drive to go get a pie
became a lot closer to my roommates
signed for a new apartment
painted my nails pink for the first time
prayed for him every night

arrived at the CCM
had "the most spiritual day of his life"
received his first letter from me
found out his release date
had his first (and loudest) fast and testimony meeting as a missionary
gets along with his companion, Elder Backus
started teaching actual investigators
finished the Book of Mormon
was made Zone Leader
spoke in sacrament meeting
went to the Mexico City Temple
prayed for me every night

I miss him more than anything, but this week I've realized that 23 more months of this isn't that long, especially compared to eternity we will have together afterwards. 
I love my missionary <3

Monday, March 10, 2014

Easter Package!!

So it takes like 6 weeks for packages to get to Nicaragua, so I have to send them super early in advanced. So that's why this is so early before Easter! I had a friend tell me he was disgusted by how girly I was with this.... But I don't care (: lol
Happy Easter Elder Dessauer!!!(: 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Missionary Girlfriend Playlist

My roommate Abby has said that I have the best missionary playlist. And she requested that I post it on my blog so she doesn't always have to ask me what song I have playing. haha. 

I have a pretty good variety of genres, so if you don't like country or what-have-you, just skip those ones! I have everything from George Straight to Nickelback to Eminem even. So hopefully there's something for everyone to like!(: And if you have any others that aren't on here, I love new music!  Comment your additions!(: 

So anyways, here it is- Enjoy(: 

You and Me - Lifehouse
Two Years - Carli Barlow
Chances - Five for Fighting
Once in a Lifetime - Landon Austin
All the Way - Lonestar
Skinny Love - Birdy
Here Without You - 3 Doors Down
Living In Your Letters - Dashboard Confessional
There Is - Box Car Racer
See You Again - Carrie Underwood
How It's Going to Be - Third Eye Blind
Longing For - Ballas Hough Band
Far Away - Nickelback
When a Heart Breaks - Ben Rector
White Dress - Ben Rector
Say Hello to Goodbye - Shontelle
Only One - Yellowcard
Wherever You Will Go - The Calling 
Waiting For You - Matthew West
Six Degrees Of Separation - The Script
My Best Friend - Tim McGraw
What If - Five for Fighting
Details in the Fabric - Jason Mraz
I Will Wait - Mumford & Sons
All My Heart - Sleeping with Sirens
Saying Goodbye - Every Avenue
All I Want - Kodaline
Through Glass - Stone Sour
Here By Me - 3 Doors Down
You Are Everything- Matthew West
The Reason - Hoobastank
Safe and Sound - Matthew West
Arms - Christina Perri
All of Me - John Legend
By Your Side - Tenth Avenue North
To Be With You - David Archuleta
More - Matthew West
Forever and Always - Parachute
The Day Before You - Matthew West
Wish You Were Here - Avril Lavigne
All This Time - One Republic
Forever and For Always - Shania Twain
Strong Enough - Matthew West
Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwright
I'll Never Let You Go - Third Eye Blind
One Year, Six Months - Yellowcard
Dreaming with a Broken Heart - John Mayer
You Always Make Me Smile - Kyle Andrews
Can't Help Falling in Love With You - Ingrid Michaelson
Everywhere - Michelle Branch
Kiss Me Slowly - Parachute
It's Your Love - Tim McGraw
Promise - Ben Howard
When I'm With You - Faber Drive
Wanted - Hunter Hayes
Breathe In Breathe Out - Mat Kearney
Timeless - Airborn Toxic Event
When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne
I Miss You - Blink 182
Look at Me - Carrie Underwood
Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne
Thunder - Boys Like Girls
Wait for You - Elliott Yamin
Space Bound - Eminem
I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz
Making Memories of Us - Keith Urban
Amazed - Lonestar
I Don't Want This Night to End - Luke Bryan
I Do (Cherish You) - Mark Wills
Wipe Your Eyes - Maroon 5
Stay - Mayday Parade
Missin' You Like Crazy - Michael Alvarado
Breathe - Michelle Branch
Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips
Best of Me (Acoustic) - The Starting Line
Marry Me - Train
Near or Far - Us
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
She Misses Him on Sunday the Most - Diamond Rio
Love Remains the Same - Gavin Rossdale
Without You - Hinder
Collide - Howie Day
I'm Still Here - John Rzeznik
Need You Now - Lady Antebellum
If You're Gone - Matchbox Twenty
1,2,3,4 - Plain White T's 
I Won't Let Go - Rascal Flatts
Swing Life Away - Rise Against
Find a Way - Safetysuit
I Will Wait For You - Us
I'm Still Here - Vertical Horizon

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I'm Going to China!!

Today I got my acceptance email telling me that I have been accepted to the ILP program to go to China for 4 months next year and teach English! I could not be more excited!!! 

With the new missionary age change, it feels like everyone around me, guys and girls, especially girls,  are going on missions. I've never felt like a mission was for me. Coming to BYU, the pressure for girls to go on missions has been insane. More girls in our ward have left on missions than guys I think. And I'm not judging those girls that go, I think they are making an amazing decision to go serve the lord for 18 months. I'm so impressed by their courage to go. And for me, having a missionary out, it would be perfect! I would leave 6 months after him, and we would get back the same month! It sounds perfect! But a mission has never been part of my life plan, and I don't feel like it should be. So I prayed about it and I know that
It's just not for me. 
But what else am I supposed to do for two years while the love of my life is gone? I don't want to be one of those girls that just wallows in self pity for 24 months. I wanted to do something with my life. I wanted to do something that I wouldn't be able to when he came home. Then I heard about ILP (International Languages Program) through another missionary girlfriend. I looked into it, and everyone who had gone said it was the best experience of their life. 

So I started the application.

Then last week, we had a Relief Society dinner on Wednesday. Our bishop spoke, and someone asked a question about what he would say to girls who are deciding to not go on missions. He said that if you aren't going on a mission, that we should do something that brings us the same blessings as a mission would. 

That was just my reaffirmation that I was doing the right thing. I'm so excited to be doing a 4 month service for the children in China, and to experience a new culture and lifestyle, just like my missionary will be doing. (And on the plus side, we get to travel every weekend- which means so many pictures!!!!)

So Saturday I had my interview. And apparently I passed with flying colors because 

Two Weeks Down...

I thought I was handling him being gone pretty good the first two weeks. I rarely cried, I didn't really miss him too much. It was a good thing that the last month & 1/2 before he left we were in separate states. It totally helped prepare me for what was coming. 

But now that it's hit the two week mark since I've seen him, IT'S HARD. I just wish I could text him or call him and tell him all about my day like I used to do. I miss waking up to texts that would say "Goodmorning beautiful(:" and I miss his sweet goodnight texts every night. I miss how he would randomly kiss my cheek or my forehead when we were together. I miss when I would catch him just staring at me while we were watching a movie or something. I miss his hugs. I miss having to stand on my tip toes to kiss him. I miss having someone to open all my doors for me. I miss the way he'd smile when he made me laugh. I miss him. so. much. 
I've learned this week though to rely on the atonement. I never quite understood that the Atonement isn't just for sins. Christ can take away all our pains. Like feeling sad. He can take that away from me.  And he did. He truly does love everyone and just wants us each to be happy. I'm so grateful to the people that he worked through this week to help me, and they probably don't even realize it. 
Hopefully I get over this sad phase soon. It's finally hit me that he's actually gone, and won't be back for another 2 years. Miss him more and more each day. 

Open When Letters

So just like all the other missionary girlfriends
This happened. 

Open when...
it's your first day in Nicaragua
you don't get along with your companion
you miss my kisses
you are homesick
you're thinking of all the fun times we had
you want to read my favorite scriptures
you're having a hard time with the language
it rains
you need advice from other missionaries
you have your first baptism
you're sick
you want to give up/need inspiration
you miss your family
you need to laugh
you need to be reminded how much I love you
you want to read my testimony
you miss me

I left them in his suitcase for him to find at the MTC. He loved them. Ask me if you want more details about what's in them, or watch my video on it on youtube!(:

Saying Goodbye

Our last goodbye was on Monday, February 17. Two days before his report date. We woke up early and made breakfast together. He was tired and wasn't used to waking up before 10:00. hahaha. We hung around my house watching movies all morning. We went back to his house to help him start packing. He picked out the clothes he was going to take and then gave me free reign in his closet. So now I have his cologne, 3 jackets, and 5 or 6 shirts that were my favorites on him. I sleep in them every night. haha. We went out to dinner at Red Robin (he wanted one last American meal). Then we just came home and cuddled and watched movies and our favorite TV show- Friends- for the rest of the night. 
Finally the time came. It was almost midnight, and we had to say our final goodbye. We were out on my front porch talking and laughing and crying and hugging for a half hour. We laughed a lot. Which was perfect for our relationship. He tried to leave once and walked away too slow and I couldn't let him go. Then he said that he wanted to dance with me one last time. We put on our song, You and Me, and just danced together on my front porch. Once it was over we finally said goodnight. We couldn't say goodbye, it was too final. He got in his car and I went inside, and I watched him drive away through the window. 
It was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do in my life. But seeing him again in February 2016 will then be the best day of my life.
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."