Wednesday, March 19, 2014

One Month

Well, One Month down, only 23 to go!
So happy that this first month is over and done with. Its not much, but it sure feels like an accomplishment. I thought that the first month would be torture, every one always says that the first month is the hardest. Well, if that is the hardest month, then the next 23 are going to be a breeze! 

Apparently dating a photographer for 2 1/2 years didn't help this boy learn how to take pictures.... we'll work on it. haha ;)
This month... 

got my first email 
finished up my photography portfolio
spent 120$ between 3 girls on food 
(don't ever believe that guys eat more than girls, it's a lie)
received my first letter
was accepted to go to China next February
met Elizabeth Smart and went to her book signing
sent his first package
celebrated pi-day with a 2 hour drive to go get a pie
became a lot closer to my roommates
signed for a new apartment
painted my nails pink for the first time
prayed for him every night

arrived at the CCM
had "the most spiritual day of his life"
received his first letter from me
found out his release date
had his first (and loudest) fast and testimony meeting as a missionary
gets along with his companion, Elder Backus
started teaching actual investigators
finished the Book of Mormon
was made Zone Leader
spoke in sacrament meeting
went to the Mexico City Temple
prayed for me every night

I miss him more than anything, but this week I've realized that 23 more months of this isn't that long, especially compared to eternity we will have together afterwards. 
I love my missionary <3

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